Having been a volunteer and resident at a homeless shelter for over a year I can see a tremendous need for transitional housing for indigent women over the age of 55. Many are displaced homemakers who through no fault of their own find themselves in the unattainable position of having no place to live with little or no resources. They are not yet old enough for social security (if they are even eligible) and very little opportunity to be able to secure employment in today’s economy.
Homeless shelters are designed for emergency housing, a few days or weeks at the most. Women are literally warehoused on bunk beds in a dormitory environment with no privacy and no future. Some have been there for years. There are small lockers for a few personal possessions and hygiene items, which, unless they are able to buy it themselves, have to be requisitioned from the warehouse and are only available certain days each month….in other words - it takes an act of congress to get anything. For most mature women, who have been productive, had careers and have raised families, having to "beg" for necessities is embarrassing. What these women need is a safe haven, were they can feel secure and can try to regain their balance to rebuild their lives, they do not need to be demoralized any further.
When mature women end up in a shelter the cause is usually a very traumatic life changing event like the death of a spouse and partner, having put their own life and career on hold to care for an elderly parent, an ugly divorce after 20+ years of marriage, or reaching the last straw in a long term abusive relationship, sometimes it is as simple as being laid off from work and not being able to find employment. Whatever the reason, their life is in shambles and they need more than emergency housing to put it back together.
Most of the women are able to work if given the opportunity and would like to be productive, but for many transportation is an issue. Public transportation is not always reliable, many times does not go close enough to the desired destination, leaving women vulnerable having to walk to and from bus stops in unsafe neighborhoods after dark.
My vision is to purchase a defunct motel or large ranch type house, remodel it to "platinum green standards" thereby creating a healthy, non toxic environment that is energy resourceful and at the same time a place were women can regain self worth, make peace with their current situation and start rebuilding their lives. Yoga classes and meditation will be incorporated into a health and fitness program for all residents.
Residents will be required to participate in the day to day operations of this facility, therefore keeping staff and salaries to a minimum. Our staff will be trained to search out available state and federal programs to assist residents to become self supporting again.
Our pilot facility will be kept small, limiting the residents to 20 approx, depending on the size. We are planning to make the facility pet friendly since having to surrender a loved pet to an animal shelter increases the stress and trauma of being homeless by a significant margin. Pet policies will be in place and only altered pets will be permitted. We will secure discounted veterinary services from a local animal clinic and solicit pet food donations from manufacturers and local stores. In order to assist residents, we will canvass the city for jobs, anything from full-time employment to part-time office help, catering parties, house cleaning, dog or babysitting and care giving. 2 vans, staffed by residents will provide transportation. My vision includes a garden were residents can grow organic vegetables, herbs and flowers. We will have a computer room and an area for art and crafts projects, i.e. painting, quilting, provide training and encourage residents to make and sell their items on-line. We would like to incorporate a small shop were residents can sell their crafts from handmade quilts and afghans to home-made candles and soaps to become more self sufficient. Everyone is entitled to live out their life in dignity and with pride and be productive as long as possible.
Our funding will come from corporate grants, corporate sponsors as well as local businesses and individual donors.