Of course, this could be complicated by the issue that the lady could very well be illegal. It's difficult to get the whole story, she does not speak English, staff is bound by client confidentiality and the Spanish speaking residents are not exactly forthcoming with translation or assistance. At this point the poor thing is groping her way around the shelter and trying to make the best of it. There is one older Mexican lady at the shelter, she has been there about 10 years, and she is the only one that has even tried to help the woman, but her English is so bad she really is not able translate.
I guess I don't understand the cultural differences, but how can a son just drop his blind mother at a homeless shelter and drive off. Especially since the son seems to be doing O.K.,he drives a late model Hummer and dresses well. Meanwhile the poor women is confused, she has no idea what is going on, and the few people that do care and want to help, cannot communicate with her, and the ones that can do not want to be bothered.
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